Friday 15 August 2014

100 Days Under Siege: Canada Day Invasion

Video files posted in order of date uploaded.

We found out through AUPE advertisements that they planned to have a big Canada Day party, with free Fat Franks hot dogs to give out, at our home.

Their invitation was completely open to any and all, to take part in this invasion of our neighbourhood.

They did not ask our permission, nor those of our neighbours.  They did not have any permits.

Somehow, they thought this was a good idea, and that we Artspace members should be grateful for their doing this.

Instead, it lead to the creation of this blog.

Their activities this day, including the appearance of an individual we were told by the police would not return, caused anxiety attacks, melt downs and triggering responses in several members.

AUPE members and their guests openly trespassed on Artspace property, and completely disrupted our neighbourhood.

Our complaints to various authorities were ignored or dismissed.  Once again, AUPE was allowed to flout the law without consequences to themselves - only to Artspace members.

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