Saturday 30 August 2014

The New Guy

AUPE's  efforts to counter the reality of what they've been doing at our home for the past several months have so far included a couple of audio interviews that they've posted online.  A sort of "man in the street" thing.

We did wonder how they could have someone ready and available to interview some supposedly random person who came to check out the picket line.

Turns out they've simply hired their own Newspeak specialist for their Ministry of Truth propaganda machine.

Sure enough, they've got a new paid picketer, who's job is apparently to sit around at our home in wait, to "interview" these "random" visitors, as well as the picketing SAIL staff.  Two of his "spontaneous" interviews are already online.

Of course, any supposedly random visitor isn't going to be seeing what AUPE has been doing to us for months, now that the leashes are on.

They're not going to see the hours of noise from megaphones, bulb horns, kazoos, car horns, various forms of vocalisations and yes, even the air raid siren.

They're not going to see the picketers taunting a non-verbal woman in her home, to the point that she can't go out on her balcony.

They're not going to get a chance to talk to our members who've had to increase their pain medications, or were forced from their homes to undergo treatment for PTSD.

They're not going to see the picketers as they continue to verbally harass some of our members (hint to AUPE: any time one of your picketers forces their attention onto a member; no matter how fake-friendly the words used, it still falls under the definition of harassment), or lie in wait for a certain care worker they have targeted for exceptional levels of abuse.

It's pretty unlikely they'll have read this blog or seen the videos - if they did, they'd know that AUPE has been in damage control for a while now.

But then, if they did read this blog, they'd know it would be pointless to come out to the picket line at AUPE's invitation and talk to the "care" staff.

They'd already know it was all an act.

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