Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Peaceful, is it?

AUPE has been insisting that their picketers here at Artspace have been peaceful.  

AUPE claims that it's been the picketers that are the victims, and Artspace members are the abusers.

AUPE dismisses problems on the picket line as being old, as if that somehow makes it okay.

AUPE does not acknowledge that incidents continue.

Including today.

This was sent in by Jody, the woman in the security video montage seen being mobbed and harassed.

Bringing my 5 year old son Chance home from surgery today...he was crying, in pain, and confused. And as a mother I was incapable of changing it.
Needless to say it was a long drive home...the only place he wanted to be. Chance loves the comfort of his home you see. The couch were he cuddles in to settle and recover.
And as I look over to the tiny teardrop rolling down his innocent cheek, as he fades back into sedation. I feel the strength of a thousand protective lionesses.
Earlier as we attempted to enter our driveway, I am antagonized yet again by AUPE picketers. The same girl that dances in front of my vehicle, displaying her sly taunting smile. As though she has something on me. As though I have done something wrong.
Well let it be known...I am a childhood sexual abuse survivor...I have been beaten, raped, abused in unmentionable ways. I have the spirit of a warrior and like those lioness I will protect and defend what's close to my heart. I am not easily broken.
From the beginning this strike has created unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach...because it feels so familiar and something I have refused to tolerate in my life one second more..ABUSE.
When I witnessed Dave Malka physically assault my neighbor twice.... When the strikers psychologically abused my son yelling to him "your mommy is bad, very bad". When my picture has been plastered all over the internet stating I'm antiunion. When I was threatened to be sent to jail for refusing literature. When they antagonize and yell to my balcony " when are you taking Chance to T-ball Jody?" Because they have violated our privacy by reading his schedule through the window while holding our car up for half an hour.
Over and over and over... ABUSE. Abuse in its many forms...physical, psychological and emotional.
And so here I am...attempting to care for my little boy. To bring him home to our "safe place" to be nurtured and heal. Nothing out of the ordinary... A privilege most reading this take for granted.
And when I tell them to "Fuck off" I'm told I'm not nice. Conclusion accurate dear Watson.

This question repeats in my mind..."How AUPE have you benefited your cause?"
I am strong beyond measure. Carry on with your while slyly smiling. Pretend you are fighting through something monumental. My journey far exceeds anything you may ever perceive. Your abuse is insignificant in the overall picture in so many of our lives...and one day this will all end.
Until then hear me roar...I will not be passively silent!
Artspace Strong.

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