Thursday 28 August 2014

Four Hours (updated with corrections)

You know, just when we were starting to kinda appreciate that the picketers have at least made some sort of attempt to behave, they go and show us, once again, just how much of an act it is.

Four hours.

That's how long someone was blocked trapped on Tuesday, April 26.

Four hours.

No, not the replacement workers.  Not even an Artspace member.

A care worker.

Not a replacement worker.

The same person they are heard taunting and harassing here, and in other videos.

The same person they are heard harassing here.

This is someone they have been on the hunt for.  Someone they have a personal vendetta against.

It started when she worked with SAIL and was the only person to vote against joining AUPE.  When the strike vote happened, she didn't bother voting against it, since she knew she would be the only one and saw no point.

She has not been on the picket line, nor has she worked with SAIL, since the strike started.

She does, however, do Self Managed Care with individuals in Artspace who are not SAIL user members.

On Tuesday Monday, she came in to do 1 hour of work for a non-SAIL using member.

They caught her as she was trying to leave, and blocked her.
(update: working on getting the exact times)
(update: details now added below)

After working her 1 hour shift, she couldn't leave, because the picketers were at her car.

Waiting for her.

They stayed there from about 9am to 1pm.

Four hours.

She spent FOUR HOURS trapped at Artspace, unable to go home, by picketers.

Like these "ladies."  These are screen caps from video taken the day she was blocked on the 94th St. for almost 1 1/2 hours.

Recognize her?  You can see her here, misrepresenting her job.  

And the woman in the foreground, here?  Yeah, she's the same one you see here.  In the video, she is threatening the same person.

These are the "care" workers (who were also joined by paid AUPE paid picketers).

This isn't about the labour dispute.  The woman being targeted is not there to do work for SAIL.  She is working in people's private homes, that's it.  They are, however, her former co-workers.

They have a special hatred of her.

They hunt her.

They stalk her.

They hang around in wait for her.

They stand on the street and shout verbal abuse at her - in multiple languages, even.

They have been targeting her for ridiculous amounts of harassment and abuse for months.

And they are taking that hatred to new levels.

Levels that now include holding her hostage, unable to leave




Update Nov. 6:  Here is the video the above screen caps were taken from.

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