Friday, 3 October 2014

The broken plate

This graphic was being passed around on Facebook.

There are variations on this theme, such as the crumpled paper or the nails hammered into a wooden fence.

They all illustrate the same point.  That when damage is done, it cannot be undone.  Sure, it might be "fixed."  You can glue the pieces of the plate together.  Fill the holes in the fence with putty.  Straighten out the sheet of paper.

Yet, no matter how much you try and fix it, the damage remains.  The plate with its glued pieces may be structurally whole, but it still has seams scarring its surface.  Putty can fill the hole in the wooden fence, but the putty is just a patch; the hole is still there in the wood.  The paper can be flattened and straightened, but once wadded up, nothing will completely take away the creases.

The damage is done.

As much as we can appreciate that all this negative media attention has forced the picketers to stop the aggressive behaviour they previously engaged in, that damage is done.  Worse, we have no way of knowing when they will suddenly decide to hold another rally or photo shoot or who knows what.

Tomorrow will be 150 days since AUPE chose to use the labour dispute with SAIL as their justification to target an entire community.

Will they decide to "celebrate" this day with another rally, like they did on day 101?

Will more NDPers come out for photo opportunities in support of these actions against our home?

Or will they wait until their convention, less than two weeks from now?  Will we have sudden crowds of people traipsing over from the Shaw Conference Centre, under the belief that we are the employer, or a place of employment, rather than private homes?

We simply don't know, from one day to the next, what they will do.

The plate is still at risk of being dropped, again and again.

Except the "plate" is our lives.

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