Thursday, 14 August 2014

AUPE still faking it (updated)

It's been brought to our attention just what AUPE is doing with their camera in the pee patch.  They've been posting long, boring videos of the "peaceful" picket line.

Just out of curiosity, AUPE.  Do you really think people are that stupid?  Of course the picketers would be on their best behaviour in front of your own cameras.  We all know it's staged.

I must admit, the one with the poor kid, seen several times before on the picket line, playing around the pee patch was disheartening.

Funny.  Aside from the photo proudly displayed on the AUPE Facebook page, I don't see the shots of them trespassing, like this one from yesterday.

Or this one from this morning.

I wonder just what is going to be shown about the incident this evening - they certainly had their cameras out, but given the circumstances, it would be very bad for their image to show how they, once again on private property, terrorized a woman and her dog.

The woman in question is a replacement worker, but she wasn't here to work.  She was here to visit.

The picketers have been trying to get her for some time; another one of the people they have targeted for extra abuse.

Here are screen caps of a text conversation between herself and an friend while it was happening (name blurred out for privacy).

These "peaceful" picketers lay in wait for this woman, surrounded her and threatened to smash her windows.  Note the time stamp on the texts.

Artspace members came to take her dog, who was so traumatized that she urinated all over the people who tried to help her.  While the dog was rescued from the hot van, the woman could not leave.

Another member tried to talk to them and, in typical fashion with the picketers, it turned into a shouting match.

We at Artspace, on the other hand, are experiencing something far, far different from the bland image AUPE is trying to portray.

The fact remains, AUPE, that you are picketing our homes.

You are still invading our community.

You are terrorizing our visitors.

You are even abusing people's dogs - and the children of your picketers are brought over and left to play in their urine.

So go ahead, AUPE.  Post your boring, staged videos and pretend that people are too stupid to know better.  Go ahead and try and manipulate the public and try and hide what's really going on.

The truth will always come out.

Update: After talking to other witnesses, we learned another sickening detail.
When someone came to get the dog from the van, the picketers actually commented and laughed about the dog getting sick from the heat in the van.
They took pleasure in the fact that a dog was becoming ill from the heat.
They continued to keep a woman trapped in that same heat.
Their actions could have resulted in serious injury or death, to both an animal and a human.

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