Friday, 15 August 2014

100 Days Under Siege: an invitation

A member shares an invitation

Hi friends

Please join us tomorrow, Friday, August 14 at 5:30 for a short silent vigil. “100 Days Under Seige” will be a time to celebrate the resilience of many in the face of a very difficult labour dispute. Attached is the address and a map of where Artspace is.

It is ok if you cannot make it. parking is hard to find around my place. Read on

Below is an update from the E-Mail I sent you in July about the AUPE Strike at my home at the Artspace Housing Cooperative. Please take the time to read this took me a long time to type.

Read the whole E-Mail and attachments first before going to the links.

The AUPE strike by paid picketers and a few home care workers (workers for SAIL…Supports for Artspace Independent Living) is hard to take sometimes but we are still strong! The picketers are like terrorists outside our home at ARTSPACE COOPERATIVE. The definition of terrorism is “ the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce.” That is what AUPE has been doing, sometimes holding us like hostages. You can read all about it on our blog at :

and for more background information and details about this strike in order by date events occurred from March til present go to my website

You can see many videos about their bad behavior on our Artspaceundersiege You Tube Channel:

Watch all of the videos when you have time please.  They show what we are really dealing with every day.
[link now to full page]

Attached you will see the latest SAIL Media Release, [editor's note: see here]

With my addition of a video of William Rigutto, the ‘legal council’ for AUPE.

He shouted in front of Artspace for two hours, even threatening my sister Lorna who does not even live here.

AUPE Street Theatre Montage: Part 7 (Threats, Defamation, Harassment).

On Saturday, we found out this William Rigutto was convicted of fraud, and is not allowed to practice law anywhere in Canada. (see attachment Rigutto’s conviction).



Please forward this E-Mail your friend/relatives any one else that you want to. We want everyone in Alberta to know how AUPE ARE ABUSING members of Co-operative.

speak out and phone or write AUPE and tell them to STOP! SEE CONTACT INFO BELOW.

Thank you.


Contacts at AUPE:

AUPE President Guy Smith
P: 780-930-3300
TF: 1-800-232-7284

A list of other executive can be found here:

Even go to their (what i call their propaganda facebookpage) and try and leave a comment or two. The always delete what they do not like and block that person.
but a lot of their followers will read your comment before it is deleted. which is what we want

[from attachment]

A lawyer before the Disciplinary Committee of the
law society
Published on 30 April 2008, at 00: 00 | Last updated April 30,
2008 at 06: 17 pm
Denis Arcand THE PRESS
In 2003, Mr. William Rigutto, well known in the
business community of Montreal, siphoned off
tens of thousands of dollars belonging to his
client, the Italian manufacturer of industrial cable
Lesmo; then he wrote half a dozen false invoices
to explain why his client's account was zero; then
Me Rigutto lied to his client by telling that money
disappeared from his trust account had been
hidden by him in an offshore fund in Hong Kong,
to evade capture.
And that, it was just the beginning of problems, said yesterday
Alvaro Piva, president of Officine Meccaniche Di Lesmo, Milan.
The Italian industrialist made these statements during his
testimony before the discipline Committee of the Barreau du
Québec, which means the folder mounted against the former
William Rigutto by Assistant syndic Luc Lapierre.
Mr. Rigutto, which is not presented at his hearing Tuesday, has
resigned from the bar during the investigation of the trustee, in
May 2005. He remains liable to sanctions for his actions while
he was a lawyer.Mr. Piva told Tuesday that his first professional
contacts with counsel Rigutto dated back to 1996, when Lesmo
opened a subsidiary in the Canada to facilitate its exports of
machinery used in the manufacture of steel cables.
Things are passed without stories until 2002, when Mr. Piva
decided to dismiss its Canadian Director, Willie Hauer and
redeem its shares.
'It would be a simple dismissal, but it became a mountain,
a disaster!' Mr. Piva told the three members of the
disciplineCommittee. Instead to rid the Canadian leader Lesmo,
Me Rigutto "gave him an exclusive agent contract, without
saying us, unless it be allowed."
The case bounced before the Ontario courts, where Mr. Hauer
was awarded top hand a payment of $ 225,000 of Lesmo. A
bank account of Lesmo was also seized, forcing Mr. Piva to pay
part of his employees with his own money.
A transaction with an American customer was taken in the case,
when more than 301 $ 500 paid in the Me Rigutto Trust Fund
began to evaporate.
According to Mr. Piva, it is the accounting auditor of Lesmo
who discovered that the account was zero and Me Rigutto was
served in the account using false invoices. Milan, Mr. Piva has
jumped on the phone and called Me Rigutto: "Are you mad?"
asked the industrialist.
"He told me not to worry, that invoices were false, that it was
a strategy to protect the money of a seizure (by the Canadian
Director so difficult to dismiss), and that the money was hidden
in an account in Hong Kong." According to Mr. Piva. Me Rigutto
promised to repay.
Ultimately, $ 130,000 have never reappeared and Lesmo
received compensation of $ 87,000 of the bar professional
liability Fund.
Assistant syndic of the bar, Mr. Lapierre, yesterday asked the
Disciplinary Committee to impose various sanctions and an order
for reimbursement of $ 48,400.

NOTE: AUPE has refused to confirm or deny if the person in the above article is the same William Rigutto described as and AUPE lawyer in many news articles, and their own twitter account.

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