Friday 15 August 2014

100 Days Under Siege: racism and sexual assault on the picket line

Video files posted in order of upload date.

Witness statement accompanying this video.

Documentation accompanying this video:

 Perhaps the most egregious incident so far happened on Sunday morning, at about 9:45.  My daughters and I were heading out to church, leaving early because of the strikers.  I had my phone in the holder, but unfortunately what happened was out of frame and there were too many other sounds for the audio to pick it up.  As we left our spot, several strikers moved to block the driveway, turning their backs to us, with the exception of one man, who paced back and forth.  A SG came over with a video camera, confirming with me that I was a resident.  There were more strikers in front of the raised beds.  We saw a (white) woman in the sidewalk in front of the underground entrance.  She had dropped something and was stomping around, trying to keep it from blowing away.  It turned out to be a $5 bill.  After picking up the bill, she walked over towards the group in front of us.  Seeing the (black) security guard, she called out, "I thought you people liked girls with big asses?" while laughing.  I believe she repeated the statement at least one more time.  We were totally stunned to hear such a blatantly racist comment!  Then the pacing guy reached where she was and turned around to pace back, at which point she reached out and either slapped or pinched his butt!  As far as I know, this would constitute sexual harassment.
Based on her behaviour, my older daughter wondered if this woman were under the influence of something.

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