Thursday 7 August 2014


That's the only word that fits, really.


Today, AUPE gleefully announced that they have filed yet another frivolous complaint against SAIL, claiming "bad faith".

The claims being made on their website sound like the ravings of a paranoid.  They are actually claiming - oh, sorry, "alleging" - that "in the midst of bargaining the employer has been working behind the scenes to decertify the union."


SAIL is a tiny company run by a volunteer board, and AUPE thinks they somehow have the power or ability to "decertify" the largest union in the province?

Are they really so weak?  So fragile?  How can SAIL be such a threat to them?

Hey, SAIL!  Did you know you had that kind of power?  Impressive!

AUPE President, Guy Smith, is quoted as saying they have a "laundry list of evidence" showing there was never any intention to bargain good faith.

Problem is, their definition of "good faith" seems to be "kowtow to us and obey our demands, even if it destroys you" and "bad faith" seems to mean "anything that disagrees with us and does not crumble under our will."

Then we get to another delusional part.  Allow me to quote the article.

“Since staff chose to unionize, the employer’s strategy has been to break the union,” said Smith. 
I say again; seriously?  Break the union?  How does one even do that?  Is the AUPE so threatened by the potential loss of a single labour dispute, that it would break them completely?  Does the AUPE colossus have feet of clay?

Hey, AUPE members; did you know your union could crumble apart so easily?


I'm trying to figure out just how they determined that SAIL has any sort of "strategy" to begin with.  It all sounds so very 007ish.   Or maybe more like cowardice. "OOoohhhh.... SAIL has a STRATEGY, people!  They are out to GET US!  Run for the hills!  They might run over us with wheelchairs and beat us with walkers!!"

“The employer has admitted it feels the staff’s decision to unionize was ‘unwise’ and has repeatedly said the employees on the picket line will never be welcome back to the worksite.”

Oh, now here we get even more delusional.  He's talking about this blog.  Dude.  AUPE can keep scouring through the blog, trying to find connection to SAIL, but you're not going to find one (thanks for all the traffic, though).

We don't speak for SAIL.

We don't speak for the co-op.

We are just Artspace members, friends and family.

Yes, many of us did think it was unwise for the staff to join AUPE.  So what?  There's nothing nefarious about having an opinion.  It's not even "anti-union" - even if, judging by what has been going on, we've been proven right.

As for the picketing care staff, it seems we need to remind Mr. Smith, once again, just what we've got here in Artspace.

The worksite is the SAIL office.  If an agreement is reached, they will, of course, be allowed back on the worksite.  That would be unit #103.  You know... over here.

Not here.

The user members, however, do not live in the SAIL office.  They live in their own homes, and THEY are the ones who, after seeing and hearing the picketing care staff outside their homes carrying on the way they have, do not want them back IN THEIR HOMES.  Since we are NOT a care centre, they have every right to say they do not want these "care" staff back INTO THEIR HOMES.

The only ones the care staff have to blame about this is themselves.  Actions have consequences, and the loss of trust is one of them.

Then we have:

The complaint states that “the facts alleged, and the evidence submitted at hearing will demonstrate the outrageous conduct of an employer who considers itself above the law.”

Wait.  AUPE is claiming SAIL thinks it's above the law?

Good, God.  One of the reasons this blog came into existence is because the union picketers have been allowed to get away with actions that would have resulting in police actions, if not criminal charges, if they were done by anyone else.  I invite anyone to just go through the archives, on the right of your screen, and start right from May 7, 2014.  If anyone is acting as if they are above the law, it's been AUPE and the picketers.

Oh, this is a funny one; "... union busting agenda of the employer..."

I can just see half our SAIL board (I'm afraid I can only admit to picturing half the board because, to be honest, I personally can't remember who the other half are), wheeling along, busting AUPE with... what?  What resources could a volunteer board of a company funded by AHS have that would "bust" AUPE?

Then they go back to attacking SAIL's financial history; specifically, the lack of audits.

So what?  There was still transparency.  AHS, at the very least, had to know what was going on with the money, or they wouldn't give SAIL a contract.  All Smith is really trying to do is, again, distract away from the fact that SAIL can't afford their demands, they know this, but they still aren't willing to compromise and accept an offer SAIL can afford to pay.

It is interesting that AUPE is accusing SAIL of trying to 'break" the union.  This is now the third frivolous complaint filed against SAIL by AUPE.  They are the ones with a bottomless pit of union dues funding these complaints.

Their own agenda is clear.  They haven't been able to force SAIL to accept recommendations that will bankrupt them.  So, they file complaints they know will cost SAIL money to defend against; they're intent is obvious.  The destruction of SAIL.  They don't care who they hurt or drag down with them (like the care staff they claim to be fighting for, as well as the Artspace members who use SAIL services).

Now tell me, just who is it that's operating in bad faith?

But hey!  The article handily leaves contact information.

Go ahead and let them know what you think of AUPE's conduct on the picket line, and their "bad faith" complaint against SAIL.

Guy Smith, AUPE President: 780-265-2294
Tyler Bedford, AUPE communications: 780-298-7626

Oh, what the heck.  Why not go ahead and contact the entire executive?  Maybe try the management or staff, too.

Don't forget.  According to Guy Smith, this, this, this and this (just for starters) is what he considers "peaceful" picketing.

Watch out, though.  Disagree with them, and you might just find yourself labelled a union-buster.

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