Wednesday 17 September 2014

Continued disruption

For the past few days, the creepers have been here and gone, here and gone.

They generally show up early in the morning - around 5 or so - to harass the  replacement workers as they come in.  So far, we've got another incident for assault and one of self-defense that the police will be notified of.

Monday had them showing up and yelling, as usual, then it went strangely quiet.  In the afternoon, one lone creeper showed up.  She wandered around a bit, looked into the windows of their rental van, wandered around some more, looking lost without the hive cluster.  Then she left.

I guess AUPE forgot to tell her that they shipped people from here to hassle Shepherd's Care.

Shepherd's Care has been in the news because they laid off all their support staff and went with a contracting company.

Oh, look who's involved, too...

Hi, David.  Supporting AUPE invading senior's centres, too, are we?

Alberta NDP leadership candidate David Eggens says the people who work caring for seniors deserve better. He says that there have been seven labour disputes with private care companies since 2008, when Alberta Health Services was formed, and that it is a sign of a broken system.
Seven labour disputes in 6 years?  You know what, David?  Maybe in the past, I would have accepted that statement at face value, but with what we've been seeing from AUPE, I can't anymore.  I think  you're wrong.  It's not a sign that AHS is broken.  I think it's a sign that AUPE is targeting the health care market.

And if SAIL's "care" workers are anything to go by for quality of care and work ethic, never mind the abusive behaviour we've witnessed, I'd say Shepherd's Care did the right thing for their seniors.  

Since many of the AUPE imported picketers are also apparently "care" workers, and a lot of them claim to work at seniors centres, I think that maybe Shepherd's Care is also doing the right thing to protect seniors from abusive "care" workers, too.

Let's take a closer look.

Check those signs out.

Oh, look.  Invoking religion.  "Pray for our jobs."  Funny, when they invoked religion here, it was by doing things like yelling through the bull horn that, if people wanted to get to heaven, they had to join the picket line, and read out Jack London's Ode to a Scab.

"We love our seniors."  Vaguely similar to a sign worn by SAIL staff on the picket line, "Our residents love us."

Excuse me, but they are not "your" seniors.  Artspace user members are not "your" residents.  You can't buy them by the dozen over at Walmart, so stop pretending you own them.

They are people, not possessions.

"Contracting out hurts staff and residents."  Well, staff, sure, but residents?  I doubt it.  Believe it or not, there are lots of other people that can do your jobs.  If the replacement workers helping Artspace user members are any example, they can do the job better, too.

"Shepherd's Care residents need us." No, they don't.  They need people who will do the job and do it well.  That doesn't necessarily mean you.

"Save our jobs."  Well, at least there's one honest sign.

"No contracting out".  Why not?  If Shepherd's Care can get better staff more efficiently by contracting out, then they are obligated to do so.  They own you nothing, and you sure as hell don't have any right to tell them what they can or can't do.

So what are the creepers doing when they're not shipped out to hassle people in other areas?

This was taken this morning.

Seems rather quiet, doesn't it?

Let's take another look.

This is what's going on.  (Right click and select view to get a bigger image)

It was garbage day today.  The garbage truck won't cross the picket line.  So someone (the City?) sends somebody out in a truck.  Because there are very few parking spots available, one of which is taken up by AUPE's rental van that they never move, the truck has to pull over into where some of the picketers regularly park illegally, partially blocking access to the townhouse parking.

The driver then goes and brings the two bins to the street, one of which is already out in this image.  Note that they must be beyond the sidewalk and on the street for the garbage truck to be able to access them.

These are not SAIL's garbage bins, though SAIL is allowed to use them because the company rents a unit for their office.  These are Artspace's bins.

So the bins sit there on the street until the garbage truck arrives, then the guy wheels the bins back to the garbage room, in back of the high rise, then drives away.

I really hope that the City or whomever it is that's arranging this is billing AUPE for the extra man-hours all this involves.

Meanwhile, the drones have parked their butts in front of the garden bed, partially blocking the sidewalk.  Except...

Turns out that one of them didn't warrant her own camp chair.  She was using the garden wall, despite that fact that there are now SIX signs saying not to sit or lean on the garden walls.

Oh, wait.  Take a closer look.  One of the signs on that section of the bed is visible.  It's white, not half yellow.

There she is, leaning on the wall, and there's another white something behind her butt.  So what's going on?


Yup.  The two signs in that section had been flipped around.


Plus, because she had her hind end on the wall, the sign was bent backwards, getting damaged by her parka covered buttocks.

For the picketers that are reading this - and we know you all visit this page regularly - I'll spell it out for you.  I recommend reading slowly, so that the words sink in.

Turning the sign around doesn't change anything.  You're still not allowed to sit or lean on the garden walls.

Aside from being incredibly petty and juvenile, it makes you look like you're idiots.

Well, a lot of things you all do make you look like idiots.  This is just another example.

Oh, and here's the other sign from this section of the bed, also flipped around.

Here are some of the others...

There are two more in the next section over.

They are facing the right way now, but the first day after they went up, they were later found all turned backwards, then they were all taken out and found in the access path, where the little picket fences are currently stored.

So it's not like they don't know.

They're just being dicks about the whole thing.

And AUPE is paying them to do it.

Or should I say, AUPE member's union dues are paying for it.

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